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Сумасшедший Лабиринт
- Children's Game
- Maze
- Puzzle
- Map Deformation
- Modular Board
- Route/Network Building
- Point to Point Movement
- Slide/Push
- Square Grid
- Tile Placement
- Characters: Minions
- Components: 7 x 7 Grids
- Ravensburger Labyrinth Games
- Misc: Dice Tower Hall of Fame
- Avatar
- Promotional Board Games
- Spongebob Squarepants
- Max J. Kobbert
Autres versions:
The aMAZEing Labyrinth anglais
Das verrückte Labyrinth allemand
Doolhof néerlandais
Labyrinthe français
The aMAZEing Labyrinth danois, suédois, norvégien, finlandais, islandais
Laberinto espagnol
Λαβύρινθος grec
Labirinto italien
The aMAZEing Labyrinth polonais
The aMAZEing Labyrinth roumain
Furfangos labirintus hongrois
Лабиринт Юниор russe